Welcome to the Indigo Blog. Learning more about the impact of cancer and its treatment on people’s lives
Did you know that one in two people will get cancer in their lifetime? This means many of us will have to deal with cancer ourselves or through someone we know.
We have developed the Indigo Project with the aim of helping people who have been affected by cancer.
This Blog will contain updates on our progress, the results of the survey and how we can use that information to improve cancer care in the UK.

We are a team of doctors, scientists, and patient partners from Imperial College London. We want to learn more about how cancer and its treatments affect people over the long term. Cancer affects everyone differently and some are more common in certain communities. The response to treatment and outcomes of care can be different based on things like gender or ethnicity. Sadly, research hasn't always included people from every background. That means we don't know enough about these differences.
To fix this, we made a survey for everyone living with and after cancer. The survey asks about their cancer, treatments, and current health. By learning from their experiences, we want to make cancer care better. We want to help improve the services people use to manage the effects of cancer and its treatment.
We want to hear from people of all backgrounds so we can understand life after cancer better. This information will help us find out which treatments work best for different people and what long-term effects they might have. Our goal is to make sure all patients get the best care possible.
We have started our research in North West London so we can test if the survey works. Then we will open the trial across the rest of the UK, starting in England. The trial will be open in Northwest London through peoples GP practice from December 2023- March 2024.
Please keep popping back for updates on the project and to see how you can help us to make life after cancer better for everyone.
